This program is all about YOU! Your goals, your preferences, your needs.

General fitness can be divided into five major components: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and body composition. The Designed for You program is customised to suit your fitness requirements: a program will be Designed for You based on your individual strengths and weaknesses, current fitness levels and short and long-term goals*. All sessions have a foundation in a combination of yoga, Pilates and personal training principles and incorporate body-weight exercises (no weights or gym machines) that improve core strength, co-ordination and balance.

* A screening questionnaire and health assessment will be conducted prior to commencing training to ensure that a suitable and realistic program is created for the client.


  • The client receives the instructor’s undivided attention enabling posture and alignment to be closely monitored

  • Personalised feedback and corrections relevant to the client’s ability are given throughout the session

  • A strong client-instructor relationship is formed, allowing the instructor to clearly understand the client’s strengths and weaknesses

  • Modifications to the training program are made in accordance with the client’s personal progression; it changes as they do

  • The trainer will listen, inspire, guide, challenge and motivate the client to remain committed to the program

  • Health, nutrition and lifestyle choices are discussed and advice is given when needed

  • The program is designed to fit into the client’s schedule and can be implemented in a variety of different environments